


{ "id": "118", "createdAt": "2024-04-09T12:09:24.000000Z", "name": "Packing", "image": "ipfs://bafybeibu53qzwqyxeajucjeanlkq2bbh5imwawguufaskm4v6rkjcr4phm", "metadata": "ipfs://bafkreid2pgvldv6tdujxcxn5cb6b7gpdnjn57sr2ctyl43bedaphri5rdq", "currentOwner": "15CoYMEnJhhWHvdEPXDuTBnZKXwrJzMQdcMwcHGsVx5kXYvW", "issuer": "15CoYMEnJhhWHvdEPXDuTBnZKXwrJzMQdcMwcHGsVx5kXYvW", "meta": { "id": "ipfs://bafkreid2pgvldv6tdujxcxn5cb6b7gpdnjn57sr2ctyl43bedaphri5rdq", "name": "Packing", "description": "Artist: [P1x3lboy]( \n\n\n ‘Packing’ is an exploration of stacked geometric shapes which are then repeated or stacked to create a sense of depth. We are invited to consider not only the shapes that are created but also the intricate interplay of negative space.\n\n\n There is huge variety in the possible outputs including different lighting, over 35 palettes, different shapes, shapes sizes and rotation options. The outputs will undoubtedly create a celebration of form and space.", "image": "ipfs://bafybeibu53qzwqyxeajucjeanlkq2bbh5imwawguufaskm4v6rkjcr4phm", "animationUrl": null, "type": "image/png" }, "max": 128 }
total: 18