


{ "id": "121", "createdAt": "2024-04-19T12:51:48.000000Z", "name": "Electronik", "image": "ipfs://bafybeifgf4wxlp7jwalvauoueyewdupflcqhlpdpvl2b5uqk4gytux2dlq", "metadata": "ipfs://bafkreihz5dnqxovhyp3xnrajgbld7m6ak7xyjj354fiolrd6dwd7ag2lvy", "currentOwner": "15CoYMEnJhhWHvdEPXDuTBnZKXwrJzMQdcMwcHGsVx5kXYvW", "issuer": "15CoYMEnJhhWHvdEPXDuTBnZKXwrJzMQdcMwcHGsVx5kXYvW", "meta": { "id": "ipfs://bafkreihz5dnqxovhyp3xnrajgbld7m6ak7xyjj354fiolrd6dwd7ag2lvy", "name": "Electronik", "description": "Artist: [Pablo Andrioli (Kali)](https://x.com/kali_shade) \n\n\n 'Electronik' presents an array of outputs born from the interplay of proprietary fractal formulas and fragment shaders. These visuals evoke the structured chaos of digital landscapes, etching out complex patterns reminiscent of circuit boards and urban plans. The collection's diverse palette ranges from industrial monochrome to bursts of neon against the digital abyss, each piece offering a glimpse into a realm where technology becomes topography. This series is not merely a set of images but a voyage into the aesthetics of computation, a showcase of how code can mold pixels into unexpected forms and textures.", "image": "ipfs://bafybeifgf4wxlp7jwalvauoueyewdupflcqhlpdpvl2b5uqk4gytux2dlq", "animationUrl": null, "type": "image/png" }, "max": 128 }
total: 41