« H-Emitters »

« H-Emitters »


{ "id": "185", "createdAt": "2024-08-01T11:09:48.000000Z", "name": "« H-Emitters »", "image": "ipfs://QmP8rsrAhjMax6ugtWVENPoa1xjVB9aJzqQ9VWmQdkuqCU", "metadata": "ipfs://QmWbKi1QpaqW6HykzytHy3sBbqs2knwDPJeAsBPkBkZjqz", "currentOwner": "15CoYMEnJhhWHvdEPXDuTBnZKXwrJzMQdcMwcHGsVx5kXYvW", "issuer": "15CoYMEnJhhWHvdEPXDuTBnZKXwrJzMQdcMwcHGsVx5kXYvW", "meta": { "id": "ipfs://QmWbKi1QpaqW6HykzytHy3sBbqs2knwDPJeAsBPkBkZjqz", "name": "« H-Emitters »", "description": "H-Emitters is a software that runs in the browser and simulates the propagation of circular plane waves emitted by multiple point-sources. The setup allows for the observation of interfering plane waves that create new patterns. The « fringes » appearing on points where the waves meet often take the shape of large dots with diffuse contours.\n \nThis quasi-simulation encourages viewer to wonder about the dual nature of physical reality. How simple circular wave patterns can create localized perturbations when interfering allows to make direct observations of a class of phenomenons that are at the heart of all modern physics.\n\nThe animation consists of a slow evolution of the characteristics of the point-sources. The “emitters” spectral distribution (colors) evolve through time and space until all their energy is dissipated. Each emitter also has a specific gaussian intensity distribution, and all these characteristics make each iteration unique in brightness, composition, and color distribution.\n\n## _Mint_\n\nLIVE: An endless animation that runs in the browser and allows to observe interference patterns generated by multiple point sources with characteristics evolving through time and space.\nCAPTURE: A static 1080x1080px snapshot of the first instant of the animated version.\n\n## _Controls_ \n\nPress ‘SPACE’ on the keyboard to generate a square signed 4K capture (2160x2160 px 24bits PNG) \nIn ‘stochastic’ distributions of point sources, press ‘P’ to generate a new spatial configuration of the emitters.\n\n## _Technics_\n\n- Javascript/WebGL handwritten software, runs in all modern browsers\n- Uses p5.js library and handwritten custom GLSL/WebGL shaders\n- Square 1:1 format animation (1080x1080) and square 1:1 4K capture\n\n---\n\n@HAL09999 – July 29th, 2024\nOfficial website: https://danslesnuages.xyz\nTEZ: tz1PgMiRHHCjLaJZPS739cJKnNHGaRXYnsCn\nETH: 0xE4d9C51F0fd017A3CFD31c1674f5C44864877f19\nDOT: 1HAL9SxxfyYSWk2o1gGM41AhJ6vTxZk1iQDex1znUvom6r9\nX/Twitter: https://twitter.com/HAL09999\nInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/hal09999/\nTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@hal09999\nFarcaster: https://warpcast.com/hal09999\n", "image": "ipfs://QmP8rsrAhjMax6ugtWVENPoa1xjVB9aJzqQ9VWmQdkuqCU", "animationUrl": null, "type": "image/png" }, "max": 64 }
total: 64