


{ "id": "188", "createdAt": "2024-08-07T13:12:48.000000Z", "name": "Linear", "image": "ipfs://bafybeieibjopj34wwku6sb3vol5yvtevpu2ypibvykh5gng3sumsxbeky4", "metadata": "ipfs://QmRcdYCaJZNaCNDueG6FQTgocEbDBP2XW7Sno3gJfHg6w7", "currentOwner": "15CoYMEnJhhWHvdEPXDuTBnZKXwrJzMQdcMwcHGsVx5kXYvW", "issuer": "15CoYMEnJhhWHvdEPXDuTBnZKXwrJzMQdcMwcHGsVx5kXYvW", "meta": { "id": "ipfs://QmRcdYCaJZNaCNDueG6FQTgocEbDBP2XW7Sno3gJfHg6w7", "name": "Linear", "description": "Artist: [Daniel Aguilar](\n\nStraight lines and rectangles are rarely found in nature, but for many reasons, humans use them everywhere. 'Linear' explores the potential of these simple geometric forms in their purest state.\n\nThe result is a collection of suggestive iterations that, through simple repetition, spacing, and layering of rectangles, evoke scenes subtly reminiscent of human craft: architecture, machinery, symbology. Using only linear gradients with varying levels of opacity, the algorithm generates illusions of depth and light. This combination, enhanced by symmetry, creates a perception that simultaneously evokes both space and object.\n\n'Linear' invites viewers to appreciate the beauty in simplicity and the complexity that can arise from minimalistic design. It challenges the observer to find harmony in the juxtaposition of order and illusion, creating a visual experience that is both serene and thought-provoking.\n", "image": "ipfs://bafybeieibjopj34wwku6sb3vol5yvtevpu2ypibvykh5gng3sumsxbeky4", "animationUrl": null, "type": "image/png" }, "max": 64 }
{ "id": "genlinear", "chain": "ahp", "collection": "188", "disabled": 0, "image": "ipfs://bafybeieibjopj34wwku6sb3vol5yvtevpu2ypibvykh5gng3sumsxbeky4", "name": "Linear", "banner": "ipfs://bafybeieibjopj34wwku6sb3vol5yvtevpu2ypibvykh5gng3sumsxbeky4", "alias": "linear", "content": "ipfs://bafybeiexngzsqs5ihavye2qubhtxqe4itov322axn7kybynf7m6av4k7vm", "type": "paid", "max": 64, "minted": 0, "meta": null, "price": "5000000000", "holder_of": null, "location": null, "start_at": "2024-08-08 15:00:00", "\"allowlist\"": "allowlist", "creator": "168293oMAKCUFsitE1qKx1t3DpwHqC7cjSy73GoPbhzBCeqt" }