


{ "id": "108", "createdAt": "2024-03-06T12:21:24.000000Z", "name": "Motifs", "image": "ipfs://bafybeid6k535wpp333yornherxu26p53v3pqtr6ehfmnphjxsuv5yw3ehu", "metadata": "ipfs://bafkreiav67xtrq3dccb24tzrqq3z7pn3553ieow5ps5iviexkcnb7dc4ku", "currentOwner": "15CoYMEnJhhWHvdEPXDuTBnZKXwrJzMQdcMwcHGsVx5kXYvW", "issuer": "15CoYMEnJhhWHvdEPXDuTBnZKXwrJzMQdcMwcHGsVx5kXYvW", "meta": { "id": "ipfs://bafkreiav67xtrq3dccb24tzrqq3z7pn3553ieow5ps5iviexkcnb7dc4ku", "name": "Motifs", "description": "Artist: [Reptile]( \n\n\n I checked many artistic creations and finally concluded that with codes I can produce beautiful random string art patterns. Nails, thread, and patience are the tools of 'string art'. \n\n\n While doing some research on string art, I found out that this fascinating art was created by 'Mary Everest', \n\n a teacher who created this art at the end of the 19th century to simplify math so that children could better understand the concept of lines, angles, and intersections.\n\n\n In this collection, based on the string art patterns, points are first considered for each shape and then lines are drawn to these points with special algorithms. To create more visual appeal, combining colors and shapes produced together is used. \n\n\n Made by p5.js Press 's' to save PNG", "image": "ipfs://bafybeid6k535wpp333yornherxu26p53v3pqtr6ehfmnphjxsuv5yw3ehu", "animationUrl": null, "type": "image/png" }, "max": 192 }
{ "id": "genmotifs", "chain": "ahp", "collection": "108", "disabled": 0, "image": "ipfs://bafybeid6k535wpp333yornherxu26p53v3pqtr6ehfmnphjxsuv5yw3ehu", "name": "Motifs", "banner": "ipfs://bafybeid6k535wpp333yornherxu26p53v3pqtr6ehfmnphjxsuv5yw3ehu", "alias": "motifs", "content": "ipfs://bafybeifghmacyeakyef3jgrmzzeexk3ojraqm46tlkatqff2okqj7accoy", "type": "paid", "max": 192, "minted": 0, "meta": null, "price": "5000000000", "holder_of": null, "location": null, "start_at": null, "\"allowlist\"": "allowlist", "creator": "165s3SRHPoEC5Bv8zTeJshcMFjDdVVUXKrJZEW1Vr3xR8VBM" }