title: Chroma Lattice

image: https://image-beta.w.kodadot.xyz/type/endpoint/https://image.w.kodadot.xyz/ipfs/bafybeifzyi5xsjxsjrwgkb33y4rezhmshjce3o2l6grpajenizxwr3vvzq?w=400

price: 25.0000 DOT

usd: 108.07

network: Polkadot AssetHub

Chroma Lattice
{ "id": "51-34", "createdAt": "2023-12-15T15:20:36.000000Z", "name": "Chroma Lattice", "image": "ipfs://ipfs/bafybeifzyi5xsjxsjrwgkb33y4rezhmshjce3o2l6grpajenizxwr3vvzq", "metadata": "ipfs://ipfs/bafkreiflpaf6aacytfd76isxqb27lwltwbpteuyzrbnvtm3cogytvncd34", "currentOwner": "13zFVp9pdsJCJPeVBBRiSAkhBgZ4qENVEZBvfbs9Ft4rHVM8", "issuer": "1jpL1o5zvhGePuYBk1PYoHsvD3Qn9GkSTHzpgHeKkQ2x7Jz", "meta": { "id": "ipfs://ipfs/bafkreiflpaf6aacytfd76isxqb27lwltwbpteuyzrbnvtm3cogytvncd34", "name": "Chroma Lattice", "description": "Artist: [@atimtay](https://twitter.com/atimtay) \n\n\n 'Chroma Lattice' conjures an image of a vibrant and structured visual experience. In this generative art project, the name suggests an exploration of color (chroma) within a framework or lattice structure. The artwork might involve the systematic arrangement of circles or shapes within a grid, with each element contributing to a harmonious and visually striking composition. \n\n\n The term 'chroma' emphasizes the use of a rich and diverse color palette, possibly incorporating gradients, contrasts, or patterns to create a dynamic interplay of hues. The lattice structure implies a sense of order and organization, offering a balance between complexity and simplicity. Overall, 'Chroma Lattice' represents an artistic journey that combines color exploration, geometric precision, and aesthetic harmony. \n\n\n There are 28 colors in color palette. \n\n\n Pressing 2 or 4 or 8 in live mode will export 2000 4000 8000px PNG.", "image": "ipfs://ipfs/bafybeifzyi5xsjxsjrwgkb33y4rezhmshjce3o2l6grpajenizxwr3vvzq", "animationUrl": "ipfs://bafybeibsozbletc3shmoizmk2hfogtvviw5mjmarfwwq7fd7cfyms6gyni/?hash=0x4dbbf1b2b9d584993c86b0034fa7561d613020bb5ca13c0d3edc1a1a876ca907", "type": "text/html" }, "price": "250000000000" }