title: April Fool #2
image: https://image-beta.w.kodadot.xyz/type/endpoint/https://image.w.kodadot.xyz/ipfs/bafybeib57xhmoagmoklm7d6oljykq3yhv5opkh4ogh2spph7cpwwwh6rcu?w=400
price: 500.0000 DOT
usd: 1970.00
network: Polkadot AssetHub

"id": "83-76",
"createdAt": "2024-03-28T02:30:36.000000Z",
"name": "April Fool #2",
"image": "ipfs://ipfs/bafybeib57xhmoagmoklm7d6oljykq3yhv5opkh4ogh2spph7cpwwwh6rcu",
"metadata": "ipfs://ipfs/bafkreia4guuhhoqj5b5fmarx3honzisp7c7ewd3q6jmlohwiyh5vq4srum",
"currentOwner": "129SJm1hPEyfqFcBgjqJc9Hu58uHxBxgQ3xkxkfKeQoGnfby",
"issuer": "129SJm1hPEyfqFcBgjqJc9Hu58uHxBxgQ3xkxkfKeQoGnfby",
"meta": {
"id": "ipfs://ipfs/bafkreia4guuhhoqj5b5fmarx3honzisp7c7ewd3q6jmlohwiyh5vq4srum",
"name": "April Fool #2",
"description": "April Fools Day 2020, did you spray your incoming postal mail? How about your Amazon packages? Did you hoard toilet paper and paper towels? \n\nIt was the start of \"Living In The New Normal\". \n\nDid you see someone driving in their car alone, wearing a mask? \n\nHand sanitizer spray got it's big moment! \n\nThey started manipulating the language and moving the goal post daily....\n\nFollowed by the biggest Psyop the world has ever seen yet...Repetition is the simplest form of brainwashing.\n\nThen Money printer go BRRR aka Stimmy\n ",
"image": "ipfs://ipfs/bafybeib57xhmoagmoklm7d6oljykq3yhv5opkh4ogh2spph7cpwwwh6rcu",
"animationUrl": null,
"type": "image/jpeg"
"price": "5000000000000"