title: SailWings

image: https://image-beta.w.kodadot.xyz/type/endpoint/https://image.w.kodadot.xyz/ipfs/bafybeic3gvpnarffg5jodcteoqctpxvuostocqncjur65gpxoqd3kew5v4/64.jpeg?w=400

price: 1.1000 DOT

usd: 4.76

network: Polkadot AssetHub

{ "id": "91-64", "createdAt": "2024-02-08T17:08:00.000000Z", "name": "SailWings", "image": "ipfs://bafybeic3gvpnarffg5jodcteoqctpxvuostocqncjur65gpxoqd3kew5v4/64.jpeg", "metadata": "ipfs://bafybeief5msydu353rxda25gaxfhwapu3qu7esxg6picob5vmowfau4ty4/64.json", "currentOwner": "13Z3vWQ7HPsqehRHreeaR3wPyZThRY4BhLmaAiXJiWhjDxbn", "issuer": "13Z3vWQ7HPsqehRHreeaR3wPyZThRY4BhLmaAiXJiWhjDxbn", "meta": { "id": "ipfs://bafybeief5msydu353rxda25gaxfhwapu3qu7esxg6picob5vmowfau4ty4/64.json", "name": "SailWings", "description": "Artist: [Parallax Rendering](https://twitter.com/parallaxrender) \n\n\n Embark with SailWings on a pioneering adventure into the realm of generative art, where the silhouette of each sail stands tall against the digital horizon. Just as a sailor discovers uncharted islands, SailWings navigates the new world of Kodadot, capturing the very essence of a voyage into the unknown. \n\n\n These SailWings creations reflect the spirit of first departures and fresh winds, where the thrill of setting course in generative art mirrors the mariner's call to the sea. Each piece is a snapshot of a journey, colored by the adventure and unpredictability that come with exploring new terrains—be it the vast ocean or the boundless possibilities of digital artistry. \n\n\n It's a navigational chart plotting the initial forays onto Polkadot's expansive seas. Witness the sails in their varied forms: some filled with the strong gusts of innovation, others with the gentle breezes of experimentation. Every sail is a tribute to the courage it takes to sail away from the safe harbor, into the exhilarating unknown. \n\n\n Set sail with SailWings, where each piece is a beacon guiding you through the artist's evolving journey, and where every unique variation is a testament to taking that brave first step towards new horizons.", "image": "ipfs://bafybeic3gvpnarffg5jodcteoqctpxvuostocqncjur65gpxoqd3kew5v4/64.jpeg", "animationUrl": "ipfs://bafybeifyqauwmxvymiqktvaxs47tcl5kikdzd45adagsrnrxlajaq6xefm/?hash=0x16b09fff66890da8ab4831efdab0c8e34b4909bdde005e01695d218612768f8a", "type": "text/html" }, "price": "11000000000" }