
"id": "0xb67bedc5e80a7913b92da0a56fc8aba6c1273a6a",
"createdAt": "2024-06-11T19:13:01.000000Z",
"name": "strigae",
"image": "ipfs://bafkreiazhlanysoxugqudwqwjmzv4q3vhroamiaz4rlkojgrbl3ztssqlm",
"metadata": "ipfs://bafkreih43sdx3oqitan3qq7ktws6qmz3owhpemzskn5tmnl34pcmh3hh2i",
"currentOwner": "0xE844b2a0a6453250c920BD2b4B7741946aB16C08",
"issuer": "0xe844b2a0a6453250c920bd2b4b7741946ab16c08",
"meta": {
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"name": "strigae",
"description": "Artist: [Antonio Werli]( \n\n 'Striga', a latin word, means: strip, line, row. It has also a second meaning: evil spirit, nightmare, witch. What would the code do with these parameters after a five seconds calculation? Nothing that we can easily understand: pseudo-glyphs, abstract layouts, schematic landscapes, glitched words, unfinished maps. Or raw portraits of the computer's nightmare... Eventually, the code is bit capricious, as always. \n\n In live mode, wait until the animation finishes and press 's' to save png, by default at 1000 px. You can add &size=10 to the url to reload the work at higher resolution, then wait until the animation finishes and press 's' to save png at 5000 px. \n\n 'strigae' is part of < ◧ mini/mono scheme >, a minimalist and monochrome exploration in generative art. \n\n Made with p5js, 2024. \n\n [](",
"image": "ipfs://bafkreiazhlanysoxugqudwqwjmzv4q3vhroamiaz4rlkojgrbl3ztssqlm",
"animationUrl": null,
"type": "image/png"
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"image": "ipfs://bafkreiazhlanysoxugqudwqwjmzv4q3vhroamiaz4rlkojgrbl3ztssqlm",
"name": "strigae",
"banner": "ipfs://bafkreiazhlanysoxugqudwqwjmzv4q3vhroamiaz4rlkojgrbl3ztssqlm",
"alias": "strg",
"content": "ipfs://bafybeihxrnjmqs7po3jw3p37csyscvgxuwg2khow5zm46liutxq466q45m",
"type": "paid",
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"holder_of": null,
"location": null,
"start_at": "2024-06-11 15:00:00",
"\"allowlist\"": "allowlist",
"creator": "0x8C24b09b35857479FD32ACb278d40fC0cD54F925"