address: 0x8a71d28cc15b21e831b7786358b3c1aadc82cc29

token: 18

{ "metadata": { "name": "RIVAGES #18", "description": "Artist: [Datura](\n\nRivages is always a random promenade. Through cliffs, fields, and waterscapes… each unique topography is shaped by the interaction and confrontation of color, movement, texture, and geometry.\n\nThis series invites the viewer to explore a universe where the stability of structured forms contrasts with the fluidity of a constantly changing environment.\n\n[S] - save canvas", "image": "", "animation_url": "ipfs://Qmcudq9Dj1yCaJNakUUtzJ2r7F6FnujXsaz2F6TJQ9nHjM?hash=0x8fef2229291b68be841adf029e58b87f39ba144b2d3b0af1760243d0a9bc6a1c", "external_url": "" }, "owner": null, "id": "18", "tokenURI": "", "type": "ERC721" }
